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make your impact

tell the value story that gets customers to act

we help green tech companies develop and deliver
an environmental and economic value story
that gets b2b customer attention and action

dear green tech leader,


you want to help change the planet.

you have a solution that can make a real difference

but, you need to get it out there.

and getting b2b buyers' attention is hard

and getting them to a buying decision is even harder.

they have so many things going on.

their time and resources are limited.

and in today's economic environment, they are more focused on the bottom line than ever.


it can feel impossible.

making countless reach outs with no response.

and when they do, finding yourself in extended sales cycles ending in no decision.

its frustrating, and frankly, a little unnerving.

there is a lot riding on this.

for you, your team, our planet.


we help you develop and deliver the value story that gets customers' attention and drives action.

focused on their most pressing care-abouts

and supporting the way they make buying decisions.

delivered in a way that helps them make sense of it all.

making it easier for them to buy.

making their job easier.

making your job easier.

making your impact! 

how telling their value story has helped our clients

"c2impact worked with us to create an industry point of view  which allows us to more consistently gain customer ceo attention and drive relevant conversations"

"c2impact helped us develop a value messaging infographic our sales people use with customer contacts and sponsors to help them drive the internal buy-in and support they need to get to a buying decision"

"c2impact built a reusable calculator that enables our sales team and customers to easily create credible business cases to justify investments and get cfos to release budget"

improved response rates

A dollar sign in a circle made out of two arrows showing the increased conversion rate c2Impact's services have achieved for their customers

increased conversions

A dollar sign in a circle with an arrow pointing upward, showing the type of result c2Impact's services have achieved for their customers

more impact!

A green leaf showing the type of result "more impact" c2Impact's services have achieved for their customers
An arrow in a speech bubble, showing the type of result "improved response rate" c2Impact's services have achieved for their customers

shorter sales cycles

A pie chart with one piece sticking out displaying a percent sign, showing the type of result "higher margins" c2Impact's services have achieved for their customers
An analog clock display with a circle arrow around it pointing counterclockwise, showing the type of result "reduced cycle times" c2Impact's services have achieved for their customers

higher sales

higher margins

founder/ceo, sustainable agriculture
founder/coo, circular economy saas
vp sales, solar company

creating your value story
with our relevance to realization® methodology

buyer clarity

understand your buyers, their main care abouts, why and how they buy

value map


understand how your solution capabilities drive business outcomes aligned with your buyers' care abouts

value story


create and deliver your value story in ways that inspire action and help customers buy

working with us

we know how busy you are.  our approach and style are focused on driving the most impact with the least time and resource.  we do this by helping you focus on the right things and get the most involvement and knowledge out of your team in the least amount of time while creating the value story your go-to-market team owns and buys into. 


we do not believe in boiling the ocean.  we help drive practical solutions, focused on the things that will drive the most bang for the buck. 


we provide our proven approach and tools to ensure you get to results fast. 


we work with you.  we bring outside ideas and objectivity to the table but believe your team's expertise and knowledge are critical to creating your solution.  

"c2impact helped us develop a value story that makes it so much easier for our sales team to, both start meaningful conversations, and get them in front of the right people to get deals closed"

president, clean energy tech company

you've got this nailed!

making real impact takes

great sustainability solution  

customer action.

Arrow pointing up
Arrow pointing up

let's make this happen!

let's connect

Simone Schuppan    


​Dave Dunlap


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© 2024 by c2Impact, LLC

contact us to schedule your free 60-minute QUICK IMPACT call -

we'll discuss the 2-3 biggest challenges to making your impact and identify some actionable ideas

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