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our 5-step approach

with our proven relevance to realization® methodology, we help you 

create the value story that gets your buyers to act


our 5-step approach creates the foundational story that get your buyers

from relevance to action to realization

of maximum value from your green tech solutions - at scale


buyer clarity


value mapping


value story


value realization


repeatable model



buyer clarity

understanding your buyer is critical.  companies don’t buy, individuals do. beyond understanding your target market, understanding specifically who, why, and how your customers buy is key to the success of your go-to-market. get this wrong and the rest of your efforts will feel frustrating and be ineffective.


The three core components of buyer clarity include:

1.   who is involved in the buying process

2.   what role they play (influencer, sponsor, budget holder, decision maker, etc.) 

3.   their individual goals, priorities, challenges, etc.

Olive Grove


value mapping

value is in the eye of the beholder.   value mapping uncovers the true value of your solution across key dimensions (environmental, strategic, financial) relevant to your buyers. We'll work together to uncover the full breadth and depth of how your solution can drive differentiated value.  creating clear, logical paths from capabilities to measurable and quantifiable outcomes. we'll focus on the ones that drive the most impact for your buyers.


the three core components of value mapping include:

1.   specific use cases

2.   value drivers 

3.   logical, measurable and quantifiable outcomes​


Clear Water Lake


value story

change is hard – and risky.  Individuals need a compelling case to act.  we’ll help you use the buyer clarity and value map findings to build the foundation for your value story that gets buyers to act, individually and collectively, across the three required action drivers:  


pathos - a passionate connection to the decision

logos - the rationale behind the decision

ethos -  trust and certainty in the decision  


miss one of these and it may be difficult to move your buyer from status quo.


The three core components of value story include:

1.   point of view - why care about it, why should

2.   value at stake/risk of inaction 

3.   transparency



value realization

value realization is the critical last mile - how your mission is ultimately attained.  ensuring the expected benefits – environmental, economic, and strategic are achieved by your customer.  realization drives success, which compels further adoption and expansion of your solution.  with value realization, we help you build the framework to support your customers to drive the changes necessary to realize value potential.  setting targets, measuring and managing to results, communicate proof of success to drive further adoption.       


The three core components of value realization include:

1.   setting targets

2.   measuring and managing results

3.   communicating success

Misty Slopes


repeatable model

you have achieved success, but how do you do it consistently?  The repeatable model allows you to drive speed and effectiveness – from start up to scale.  We work with you to develop pragmatic, reusable tools, enabling you to develop and deliver the right information and insight, to the right buyers, at the right time – every time.


the three core components of repeatable model include:

1.   messaging

2.   value tools

3.   reusable content – based on key buyer types, point in buying journey, etc.

let's connect

Simone Schuppan    


​Dave Dunlap


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